Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Introducing...Caramel !

Hi ! My name is Caramel and I am a Golden Retriever. I just turned 7 on February 3rd. I am friendly, cute, playful, cute, I love people and food/treats, cute, and I love meeting fellow doggies. I live with a family of four. You will love hearing my story of my younger years !

APRIL 9th, 2002.

My brothers, my sisters and I were waiting for someone to come bring us home to start a whole new life. A family of four walked in the door one day. Ofcourse, their eyes flashed straight to me first. I know that I have mentioned i'm cute, but don't worry, i'm much more cuter than I say I am. Ok, back to the story. A lady, now my mother, came up to me and picked me up. She petted me until a tween came and picked me up, but, she failed and dropped me. Another girl, about 6 years old, came and petted me until I felt better. Then, a man, now my dad, came and picked me up. Luckily, he didn't drop me. They went to talk to the breeder. Then, the breeder came to put a collar on me and the man picked me up and brought me to their car. I thought, Yay ! I have a family to call my own. Before we went to my future house, we went to the children's grand-parents' house. We drove to my new house. When I got in, I was so excited to have my own house. They gave me a name. Caramel. Ooohh, I thought. They then gave me a funny looking thing, but now, i'm older, I definetley don't think it's funny! They told me it was a cookie. I took it in my mouth, and chewed. Mmm! I thought. I loved it. I barked, cause I wanted more. They gave me one more. I never wanted to stop! Then, they brought up a cage. They put me in it. I wanted to come out, but then I started to like it. It was night time, so they gave me my dinner. They took me outside. I love it! I stayed for so long, sniffing and exploring. They brought me back in the house and showed me around it. I finally got tired, and plopped to the floor. Dad picked me up and put me in my cage. Then, the lights when out. I started to bark. I wanted someone to stay with me. So finally, my dad came and slept on the couch beside me. I was happy, and tired. I fell asleep right away.
I hope you enjoyed hearing how my new life started as much as I loved it !

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